Thursday, September 17, 2009

The September Newsletter Is Out

In case you missed it in your e-mail, here it is. Be sure to visit this site for any updates to dates and schedules.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The popcorn sale starts on Saturday, October 3rd. We will have a kick-off and neighborhood blitz at 9am (10/3) followed by a hot dog lunch cooked by Troop 228. The kickoff will be held outdoors in the parking lot at St. Mary's Church.

All popcorn information, sales materials and product will be available on that date.

Kick-off: 9:00am
Pick up info and product: 9:30am
Neighborhood Blitz: 10:00am
Lunch: about noon

More details as we get closer to October.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Don't Forget: Mass on Sunday, Followed by Pack Meeting, Picnic

The Pack's next event is on Sunday, September 20. We will meet for the 9 a.m. Mass and then go to the Garrity Center for the year's first Pack meeting.

Immediately after the meeting, the previously-rained-out Welcome Back Picnic will be held behind the Garrity Center, so plan to stay around -- the grill will be fired up.